Contiki Tour 11 Sept 2005 - Beaches and Reefs


Mallory <> from London, Canada:

Hey everyone! I know that I was only with you for a week..but in that week I had soo much fun. I still think back on that tour as one of my best memories of Oz. I've thought of doing another Contiki tour but I don't think it could compare to ours. If any of you are ever in Canada feel free to come visit. I'm coming to London, England this summer if anyone there wants to hang out!
Love, Mallory

Kate <> from Burlington, Ontario, Canada:

I just wrote this big long note to everyone, and erased it!!
I'll make this short and sweet just in case I do it again!
I Hope everyone is well, I miss you all so much!
I can't stop looking at all my pics...Keep in touch everyone, i'll write again soon..!
Love ya, miss ya Kate

Kim Rathbun from Augusta, Georgia, USA:

Hi everyone!!!! I'm back at school and work in Augusta. It's pretty boring here, but I got a new kitten in October, so that's been my big excitement.
I wanted to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
I miss everyone!

p.s. - I'm seriously considering doing the Egypt and the Nile Contiki tour April 1-9 - you should all come with me!!!!!

Helena S <> from London...actually nottingham now!, England:

Heeey, just looking at everyones photos..they\\\'re wicked but made me miss contiki :( uni\\\'s fun but reeeally cold! i started the day after i go home so spent freshers week asleep and a rumour went round my halls that i was australian! so was pretty funny. Hope everyones well, this website is great oliver! love helena xx p.s. im doing camp america next summer and plan2go canada after so some of u might find me on your door step :p xx

chrissie from queenstown, new zealand:

hey guys, i am in new zealand with contiki for the next two weeks and it rocks!!! but i have to say that our group was more fun!!!
hope you\\\'re all doing great.
xoxo chrissie

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