Contiki Tour 11 Sept 2005 - Beaches and Reefs


Nicole from Germany:

Hi guys! Hope you are all having fun whereever you are! I am very busy at the moment, so sorry that I don`t have time to write so many emails. But I won`t forget you! Miss you all a lot. xxx Nicole

Chris from London:

I hear it in our college bar and out clubbing at least once a week and it always makes me smile. How are your other tour groups Shannon? I think its really nice that you found some time to reply here! You go girl, and keep up those coloUrful (with a U for the Canadians) day sheets! Stay well everybody, x

Shannon from :

Everytime I hear our day song I break into random dance..... it does indeed make you Feel Good!!! Yeah baby!

Matt <> from Ancaster, Ontario, Canada:

Fuckers Fuckers Fuckers!! Ill tell you what!! i was driving to work the other day and what song is the new hit on the radio right now, but the day song.. it doesnt seem right driving in the frezzing cold to work and listening to it, but it does remind me of what a great time i had down under on contiki tours!! i think the main reason for that was all off you!! i was so lucky to meet such wonderful people and i thank you all!! anytime anyone is Canada you all have a place to stay and i will have a cold beer waitting!!! thanks again everyone and good luck with evrything and stay in touch!!!

Hey guys. Hope you are all enjoying life in the real world - Australia was so much better! Olli, Kim, John - great pictures! Had such a good time with you all - and still pining for those beaches. Keep in touch, Teresa XX

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Version 0.7 released 2005-01-19