Contiki Tour 11 Sept 2005 - Beaches and Reefs

Some parts of this page are password protected. To get into these pages just use the given name of our tour manager as username and password.

I know that some of you wrote a journey journal. Maybe you can send this to me and I will put it on the website.

The address list is online. (Click Internal) Please check your information. Not on the list? Then send me a email.

If you want to upload your pictures you have three choices.
First: You can send me a cdrom/dvd and I'll upload the pictures.
Second: Upload the pictures via a web form. (You can only upload one picture per time)
Third: Upload the pictures via ftp.
If you want to upload pictures contact me for details.

If you find any spelling mistakes, other strange things or anything that is missing on these page, then send me a email. (